Third floor, Pathology / Microbiology Building, Old Mulago Hill Road +256 414 541 830
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Who we are

The Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology

The department follows the mission, vision, mandate, and core values of Makerere University that with several commitments to support academic excellence and innovations in Africa, as well as providing innovative teaching, learning, research and services responsive to National and Global needs. In the same spirit, as a group that operates under MakCHS, we always strive to contribute towards scientific research and also other services to the community to avail intervention.


We have faculty with widely varying research interests in the areas which include although are not limited to; clinical Immunology, diagnostic immunology, molecular immunology, immunogenomics, infectious disease research,cancer immunology, molecular biology, molecular diagnostics, functional genomics, human andmicrobial genetics, bioinformatics, clinical microbiology and biorepository sciences.


State-of-the-art facilities

We have also established state-of-the-art facilities, including, Bioinformatics Laboratory, Genomics and Sequencing Laboratories, Molecular Biology and Immunology Laboratories, Mycobacteriology facilities and the H3Africa Biorepository facility. We also have an off-site compass at Kasangati which is approximately 14km from our main compass


Courses And Programs

We also facilitate courses under undergraduate academic programs; such as Fundamentals of Immunology and Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, as well as field attachment trainings to in Molecular Biology, Immunology, Genomics and Bioinformatics. We also offer short courses as detailed in the section of short courses on this website.


Our Molecular Biology facilities

Facilities and Labs

The Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology Lab

The Molecular Biology Laboratory was originally established with support from NIH and SIDA (Sweden). It is approx. 800 sq. ft., air conditioned well equipped and appropriately organized for most molecular biology-oriented studies.


DNA Sequencing Lab

We also facilitate courses under undergraduate academic programs; such as Fundamentals of Immunology and Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, as well as field attachment traini


Bio Repository

We also facilitate courses under undergraduate academic programs; such as Fundamentals of Immunology and Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, as well as field attachment traini


Bioinformatics Facility

We also facilitate courses under undergraduate academic programs; such as Fundamentals of Immunology and Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, as well as field attachment traini


The Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology

The department follows the mission, vision, mandate, and core va.

Courses & Programs

What We Offer

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